
Last Updated 8 years ago

The Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council (JJWC) is an inter-agency policy making, coordinating and monitoring body tasked to oversee the effective and efficient implementation of the Republic Act 9344, as amended, and its revised rules and regulations.

Republic Act 10630 or the An Act Strengthening the Juvenile Justice System in the Philippines under Section 12, prescribes that…

“All duty-bearers, including barangay/BCPC workers, law enforcers, teachers, guidance counselors, social workers and prosecutors who will receive report, handle or refer cases of CICL, shall ensure a faithful recordation of all pertinent information, such as age, residence, gender, crime committed or accused of and the details of intervention or diversion, as the case maybe, under which they will undergo or has undergone, of all CICL to guarantee the correct application of the provisions of this Act and other laws. “

The JJWC is mandated to lead the establishment of a national/centralized database and information system on children in conflict with the law (CICL) and children at risk (CAR). Thus, development of the NJJWIS is hereby proposed. It shall serve as the repository of data and information relative to the implementation and monitoring of the juvenile justice and welfare system in the Philippines. It shall be linked to the database system of various government entities such as the Department of Justice (DOJ) - National Justice Information System (NJIS), Inter-Agency Council against Trafficking (IACAT) Database, Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC)-Macro Monitoring System, among others. Once this system becomes functional, it would hasten monitoring of the progress of the implementation of the juvenile justice laws and come up with responsive policy, plan and program recommendations and strategies to achieve positive results for children such as the CICL.
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